Across towns, states and the nation millions of young and old protest, petition and look to you to solve and remedy the problems that are relentlessly pushing societies and the natural world toward collapse and extinction. It must be painful to know that there are no instruments in the political toolbox that could effectively solve the problems. The old tools don't work. There is an urgent need for an Awareness Revolution and invent new tools that can solve the problems of 21st century's hyper complexity that combines societal and environmental challenges.

Mr. President,  Members of Congress,  Governors,  Mayors

Holigent ® is a registered trademark • The Alliance to Reconstruct America™ • Copyright © 2010, 2024  A. Nicholas Frank

Your donation will be the seed from which a new order of

social, economic and environmental justice, quality and

systemic sustainability will grow.

The United States needs to make a historic decision similar to the one that aided Europe in winning World War II and helped reconstruct much of the Continent. This decision is to plant the seed and nurture Transformative Societal Reconstruction —  developing social, economic and environmental justice, quality and sustainability. This will require heroic efforts and the outlay of treasure, but no blood.

The first phase of that effort is for Congress and the President of the United States to establish the Department of Homeland Reconstruction. This is to secure funding of experimental societal retrofit and reconstruction programs (one community at a time) to search and find ways to comply with nature’s building and sustainability code.

All in a long-range program to reduce socio-economic stress around the world while building universal quality of life, global peace and systemic sustainability — securing life and wellbeing for people, our planet and for the natural world. The book, Awareness Revolution is your action guide. 


Dear United Nations Official

Have you noticed a peculiar thing lately? As you all meet in big rooms for the yearly Climate Conference to eat, drink and talk and talk about reducing carbon emission, or "blah, blah, blah" as Greta Thunberg put it (forgive her honesty, she is just a child). The peculiar thing is that each year the scientific reports on global warming and the evening news about catastrophic climate events get worse and worse.

I suspect that you are not proud of yourself seeing on your watch "The collapse of civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world on the horizon" — Sir David Attenborough, approaching faster than we could comfortably contemplate. Please take a look at the illustration of our bridge to the future and see where and how you could help retrofit our falling down bridge? Reading the book Awareness Revolution could help you participate in building a better bridge to our peaceful and sustainable future.

Dear European Union Official

Ever wondered why the Brits exited and why the unhappy rumbling across EU? Here is a hint: EU is made of countries large and small, with long and varied history, culture and temperament. It is understandable why the concept of United States is not replicable — EU's one size political economy does not fit all.

The behavior of wealth and capital not been fully understood until recently: why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? This provided unpleasant surprises along history by occasionally bringing out the pitchforks, guillotines, and the Bolsheviks in bloody upheavals. Thomas Piketty answered that complex question with his deceptively simple formula r > g (the return on capital is greater than economic growth) . You can think of this as the DNA of wealth, codifying the behavior of capital that will perpetually migrate vertically from the "99%" to the "1%" and horizontally from one nation or region to another.

On the European Continent, the North attracts wealth at the expense of other parts. On the borderless continent human resource follows the money and that is the root of "Brain Drain" for East and Central Europe. This is, and will be painfully felt and resented for generations leading to further disintegration of EU with probable catastrophic consequences. You too can save the world by saving Europe. Awareness Revolution is your action guide.

                                                      Order the Book: AWARENESS REVOLUTION from

Mr. Secretary of Defense,  

Please start a global 'Peace Offensive' to avoid a nuclear world war

Our proposed Peace Offensive may provide the starting point for productive conversations about establishing a small department within the Pentagon dedicated to initiating and promoting a Peace Offensive in the spirit of the Holigent Peace and Sustainability Initiative. With its vast resources and global footprint, the Pentagon is perhaps the only institution in the world that, with the right spirit, could turn the course of global events away from a probable mutually assured destruction toward world peace and systemic sustainability. 


Dear Educator,

You are devoting your life teaching young people to learn, pass exams and become consumers in our system of techno-industrial, extractive capitalist-consumerist military-industrial complex.

The downside of such civilization is that even if conflicts do not escalate to (MAD) Mutually Assured Destruction, it is not sustainable and will predictably deplete Earth's life-support capacity, leading to "Collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world" — Sir David Attenborough.

Won't you please participate in the Awareness Revolution to reorder your devotion and open an experimental class teaching young people to follow the instruction of Socrates and examine life because the "Unexamined life is not worth living".  Introduce the teaching of Albert Einstein suggesting to develop a new mindset, because "A problem cannot be solved with the same mindset that created it". Teach young people to comply with nature's building and sustainability code as they are constructing a better bridge to their peaceful and sustainable future.

Holigent Yoga


Heal and Save the World










   Feverish global stress is the result of extractive capitalist-consumerist overload of eight billion humans on Earth. We are in a race against time to avoid collapse and extinctions. Most institutions in this race are still at the starting gate. But there is hope! Yoga is way ahead. 300 million people are practicing yoga around the world improving their physical and mental wellbeing while reducing stress and elevating quality of life one individual at a time. This is what the world needs now!

    Politicians can't help, because building a peaceful and sustainable world is beyond their skillsets. Our world is made of billions of people. You and I can heal the world one individual at a time; if we don't do it, no one will. You can start with yourself. Then share the "medicine" with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and strangers.

        The medicine is Holigent Yoga (HY). Chose your dose from the Menu:

                        1 Minute HY

                        5 Minute HY                              Holigent Yoga to Heal the World

                        Activist HY



Global socio-economic STRESS

is feverishly high and rising.

During the 1930s, high global socioeconomic stress led to

fascism and World War II?

Holigent Yoga will heal and save the world from

repeating history.

Hey  Angelinos

and all lovely people of the world

Did you know? A smart phone is smart because we designed it with our frontal brain, but humans are so unwise that we make war, kill one-an-other and deplete Earth's life support capacity; most likely, because we organize societies with our 'reptilian brain' — leftover from the evolutionary jungle.

We can change that; not simple, but doable. 

Instructive Q & A for

Los Angeles to Heal Itself and

Save the World

(A street act)

Q&A for LA.pdf

Dear Billionaire

Your bridge to the future is falling down too.

It's the same bridge!

Will you partner with young people or with Holigent.Org to build a

better bridge to our peaceful and sustainable future? 

Allow me to introduce myself   I was born into the Great Depression, survived the Nazi hunt for my life and the bombs of World War 2 in Budapest. Grew up in mindless and murderous Soviet occupation and escaped communist Hungary across the partially dismantled Iron Curtain in 1956. My heroic Mother took the arduous journey with me to the Austrian border to see me off to the West. At our parting, I promised her to be careful not to step on a landmine.

In much of my growing up, I was hiding, running, escaping often a step ahead of death. It took years and thousands of miles for the early images and the questions to catch up with me during a late evening walk on the Westside of Los Angeles. My eight-year-old self emerging from the bomb shelter, near the end of the War in 1945, asking: Why would grownups destroy beautiful Budapest and kill innocent people? I am devoting much of my life answering that question.

A. Nicholas Frank

on youtube


I lost my father to illness when I was four years old, but got to know him well through the book manuscript He left behind. He was devoted to the cause of a peaceful Europe during the 1930s when the continent was drifting toward Nazism and World War 2.

I treasure his memory, his spirit is my guiding star. Nearly fifty years and five books after that evening walk in Los Angeles, I am getting serious about saving the world. No, I am not planing to do it alone. On this site and in my fifth book Awareness Revolution you can find your action part in building a better bridge to a peaceful and sustainable future before the window of opportunity closes forever. The idea springs out of the question of why our frontal brain can build amazingly smart things, yet we use our 'reptilian brain' to build and organize human societies that often turn to conflict and war that in the 21st century may lead to nuclear Armageddon.

The challenge is to understand that our 'reptilian brain' is a product of the dangerous world of the evolutionary jungle where survival depended on split second reflexive decisions to fight or flee — there was no time for thinking. This evolutionary legacy is deeply embedded in our neuroendocrene system; it cannot be surgically corrected or removed. Our only option is to secure food, shelter, engagement and supportive community for people. In other words, secure universal quality of life for most or all of humanity to keep global socioeconomic stress dormant.

Awareness Revolution can help and when we use our frontal brain to build a new socioeconomic arrangement (one community at a time); building a future of universal quality of life, global peace, and systemic sustainability become surprisingly doable. The initial transfer of capital from the capitalist system to the Holigent commons may be a challenge. Billionaires, governments, and all awareness revolutionaries can solve that problem by funding the construction of the initial nature-compliant 'Holigent' community. It is to demonstrate a hybrid socioeconomic arrangement that secures quality of life for its residents. At some point nature-compliant 'Holigent' communities will be self-replicating and the process will spread across America, Europe and beyond. Conflict, war, poverty, hunger and homelessness will become history.

This website and the book, AWARENESS REVOLUTION can be your guide.  


Reengineer the way we build our societies

Our human story begins in the critter eat critter evolutionary jungle millions of years ago. In that dangerous world life or death decision had to be made reflexively, in split seconds, there was no time for thinking. We are stuck with this primitive stress arousal legacy from earlier time of our evolution. Still today rising stress turns on aggression and turns off rational thought process. Let me illustrate just how dangerous that is.

Back in the Great Depression of the 1930s global socioeconomic stress was high. Remember, high stress turns on aggression and turns off rational thought process. Masses of angry people couldn’t tell true from false; they turned to a charismatic leader to tell them what to believe and what to do. Such a leader promised the angry German people “Deuchland Über Alles” (Germany above all). When the fascist leader couldn’t deliver the promise he gave the angry people a big fight they didn’t know they didn’t want — that was World War 2. Could history repeat itself in 21st century MAGA America?

Besides bad behavior, high stress is a factor in illness ranging from the common cold to heart disease and cancer. It is also a factor in bad mood from anxiety to depression and suicide. As you can see, high stress is ruining lives, families, societies and can lead to nuclear war that may end it all. I hope I captured your attention, because the mindful and dedicated work to build a better bridge to our future starts here.

Our neuroendocrine stress arousal is part of the primitive legacy of our early evolution. It is deeply embedded in our body and brain and cannot be surgically removed. We have no other option, but to secure quality of life for most or all humanity to keep global stress dormant. Seems impossible?

Not so, easier than building a small flat electronic machine that you pull out of your pocket and talk to someone hundreds of miles away.

If we use the same frontal brain that built the smartphone to reconstruct society and retrofit our bridge to the future, instead of the primitive part of our brain (leftover from the evolutionary jungle), we could complete that reconstruction to social, economic and environmental justice; quality of life; and peaceful systemic sustainability in your lifetime. You don't believe it? Try it! You have nothing to lose, everything to gain. This will take 9 big steps.

Let's begin the Awareness Revolution! 

Step 1

Apply your social media skills to spread the message: We are Building a Better Bridge to our future. Invite all to this website  to learn about the Awareness Revolution.

Step 2

Form discussion groups and meet weekly at the same place and time so that your members can make it a routine. Discuss ideas of how you will broaden awareness horizons to embrace the many parts involved in building a better bridge to our future of quality of life in peaceful systemic sustainability.

    Optional subjects of discussions:

    a) Choosing the right tool. In the 20th century, politics turned to extreme right that led to fascism

and World War 2; and then turned to extreme left that led to communism.

A pipe wrench, also known as "monkey wrench" can turn right and

turn left but can't fix your smart phone for about the same reason why the

political (left/right) monkey wrench can't fix your bridge to the future: It's the

wrong tool!  The right tool to fix your bridge is forming your student organization

and do the discussions that in time goes public through Instructive Demonstrations.

    b) Reduce stress and elevate quality of life as you discuss and become

mindful of the 4 “happiness” hormones in your brain and body: Dopamine:  Known as the “feel-good” hormone. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a part of your brain’s reward system, associated with pleasurable sensations. Serotonin: A hormone and neurotransmitter helping regulate your mood as well as your sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory. OxytocinSometimes called the "love hormone" ; it is essential for child birth, breastfeeding, and strong parent-child bounding. It can promote trust, empathy, and bounding in relationships. Physical affection can increase levels. Endorphins: They are your body's natural pain reliever. Levels may increase when you are engaged in reward producing activities such as eating, working out, having sex, laugh, eat dark chocolate.

    c)  Holigent Yoga combines yoga, meditation, stress reduction, mindfulness; it improves your inner                       

quality of life.        Holigent Yoga to Heal the World    one individual at a time. Practice part or all of it

any time any place.

Step 3

Organize Instructive Demonstrations in public places. Protests don’t work because building a peaceful and sustainable future is beyond the skillsets of politicians and institutions. Carry the book AWARENESS REVOLUTION or the QR code to this website visibly in your hand.

Step 4

Journalists and the media will report about your Awareness Revolution of Building a Better Bridge to our Future. (It is their bridge to the future too, and they do need a new story every day.)

Step 5

Millionaires and Billionaires are super curious people. Their awareness will intensify about the need to invest in building a better bridge to their peaceful and sustainable future here on Earth; so they won't have to escape to Mars or their remote island on the Pacific when big trouble comes. Their donations may in time arrive.

Step 6

Form your nonprofit organization that can accept tax-exempt grants and donations. Engage in vigorous fundraising and grant writing.

Step 7

When money arrives, your organization can purchase suitable real estate in a part of your city with public transportation.

Step 8

Start up your Holigent (holistic-emergent) nature-compliant quality of life community.

Instructions are in the book:

                                                                                                    Order the Book:  AWARENESS REVOLUTION  from

Step 9

Politicians will take notice when they hear and read about your Awareness Revolution to build a better bridge to our future and will begin to listen to you. They will learn about building Holigent (holistic-emergent) nature-compliant communities to demonstrate the hybrid socioeconomic arrangement that secures quality of life for its residents. In this light, with your encouragement, they will be inclined to establish a Department of Homeland Reconstruction (DHR) to fund the continuous development of nature-compliant communities across America and beyond. All in the interest of building the infrastructure for a future of universal quality of life, global peace and systemic sustainability.

Consider that Congress established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in response to the 9/11/2001 terror attack on the United States. For example, the 2023 budget of the DHS was $82 billion. The Department of Defense (DOD) budget for 2023 was over $800 billion.

Assuming a new Department of Homeland Reconstruction receives the equivalent of 1% of the DOD budget, it would amount to $8 billion per year; that could buy on average about 4,000 homes that would secure housing and quality of life for about 20,000 people yearly.

If billionaires and politicians do their part in providing the initial funding for Holigent Transformative Societal Reconstruction the process will continue to grow by self-generated funds in the U.S. and in time expand to Europe and beyond. The program would end homelessness while building a peaceful and sustainable future. 


Your donation will be the seed from which a new order of

social, economic and environmental justice, quality and

systemic sustainability will grow.

This website is under construction


Join the Holigent



    The BOOK, Dear Billionaire: Your bridge to the future is falling down

                                        Order it from bookstores or from

     Instructive Demonstration in Budapest, Hungary

A Proposal for

Los Angeles to Heal Itself and Save the World

Los Angeles is a resourceful and fertile ground in which to plant the seed of a new hybrid socioeconomic organizing system that opens a hopeful possibility for building a future of social, economic, and environmental justice; quality of life; and peaceful systemic sustainability. When successful, the seeds of this societal renewal experiment will spread and

mature around the world. 


                                                                                         A Proposal for LA

Capitalism is failing because of the unstoppable migration of wealth, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; the resulting inequality is fraying the fabric of society and from time to time, brings out the pitchforks, the guillotines, and the Bolsheviks in bloody upheavals.

  1. Democracy is failing because in a world of rising conflicts, stress turns on aggression

and turns off rational thought process (an evolutionary legacy). People turn to a charismatic leader who tells them what to think and what to do. This is one way democracy can end.

We can talk and talk or "blah, blah, blah" as Greta Thunberg put it about global warming and climate change and even if you blow away those black clouds, our bridge to the future will continue falling down.

            Your action guide is the book: Awareness Revolution find it at

The Proposal for Los Angeles would build a better bridge to our future and could save civilization and the natural world from collapse and extinction. 


More on all that in the book: AWARENESS REVOLUTION from

For civilization to survive, individuals need to expand awareness from

Self                            to                         System

Let's get to work

    Building a Better Bridge

      to our wise, peaceful and sustainable future